Vaccinating against infectious diseases is an important way of keeping your puppy healthy and happy.
C7 Vaccination
All puppies require a course of 3 vaccinations, starting from 6-8 weeks. These are given one month apart and protect against distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus and kennel cough.
Proheart vaccination
Heartworm is a parasite spread by mosquitos that can cause heart failure. Both the disease and treatment for the disease can be deadly.
Although monthly oral or topical preventatives are available, studies show that dogs can still be tested positive for disease. We recommend the annual Proheart vaccination to ensure year round prevention from disease.
Distemper is a highly contagious disease causing fever, depression, discharge of pus from the eyes and nose, convulsions and death. Treatment is often ineffective.
Hepatitis can cause sudden death in puppies. Adult dogs can suffer from fever, diarrhoea, bleeding and acute abdominal pain. In severe cases, death may occur within 24-36 hours.
A highly contagious viral gastroenteritis. Signs include severe vomiting and diarrhoea, leading to extreme dehydration and frequently death within 24 hours.
Kennel cough
Consists of both canine parainfluenza virus and/or Bordetella bacteria. Both of these agents can cause a dry hacking cough that may persist for several weeks. While the vaccination will not offer 100% protection, the vaccination will help reduce the severity of symptoms and recovery time.
Canine Coronavirus
Can cause gastroenteritis, which is inflammation in the stomach and intestine with symptoms including vomiting and diarrhoea. These infections are contagious and can spread rapidly around kennels. Young dogs are most at risk of infection and developing serious illness. Your pet will receive an initial vaccine followed by a booster in 3 weeks, then annual boosters. Canine Coronaviruses is in no way related to the current ‘coronavirus’ outbreak causing respiratory illness in people.
Caused by the Leptospira bacteria, affects animals and humans and is spread through the urine of infected animals such as mice, rats, cattle and marsupials. Signs of leptospirosis may include fever, lethargy, inappetence/dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, organ failures and death in extreme instances. Your pet will receive an initial vaccine followed by a booster in 3 weeks, then annual boosters.